Monday, July 5, 2010

Loving Kindness Exercise

I had a blast with this exercise! It was such a stressful week and I've been struggling with a lot of things lately, so I used the Cd's for my morning meditation on Sunday. I woke up at 5am while my wife and the dogs were still sleeping and found myself better able to find balance and focus.
I also used this exercise to try and find a way to show more love toward my mother who is mentally ill. Her illness affects me even though she is 3,000 miles away, so it is often difficult for me to remember that her actions are not her but they are the part of an illness. I've been dealing with this for 30 years and one would think I'd be a pro at it but it gets more difficult with each passing day.
The exercise really did help me to relax all my muscles and I pictured my mother and the pain that she must feel on an emotional level day after day. By doing this I was able to put myself in her place and get a better grasp on the real issue. I talked to her for the first time in nine days (yesterday) and I did not get annoyed with her even once. I think I'll keep this exercise around. :)


  1. Absolutely, this is not only an exercise for the mind but for the heart as well. I can see why it is so important to integral health. I would find it hard to believe someone living fully without practicing a loving kindness technique. It takes such a burden off of us and releases us from unnecessary stress, anger, or other harmful emotions.

    I'm also glad you found peace in the morning to do your exercise. This is also the best time to do other meditative or subtle mind techniques because our minds haven't been subjected to the busyness of the world yet. Clarity comes relatively easier.

    I can say with experience that such practices help to anchor ourselves in such a way that if we see ourselves reacting to our environment that is not beneficial, we can calm ourselves and bring us back to stillness instantly. Personally, I've been freaking out over this major exam I have to take in order to enter a competitive MBA program. When things get crazy, I'll step outside, sit down, and focus my attention on my breath. Once I've calmed down I try to be more thankful than anything for the opportunities I've been given, and ask for the wisdom and strength to see it through. I focus my emotions on gratitude and love. Afterwords I don't feel as helpless or incompetent, and I then can study better.

  2. Hello Keo,
    I too enjoyed this exercise on Loving Kindness. Finding time to be alone with yourself can be difficult so I like the idea of making it your first priority of the day. I can only imagine that your day went smoothly and was pleasurable. I took the time in this exercise to focus on my mother as well. She is a very kind and loving mother but is significantly overweight. This weight is causing her problems like knee and back pain. She was once a very thin and healthy woman that was just beautiful. She fell in love with a man that was what I consider a “player” anyway she has been hung up on this man for the better part of 30 years. She started gaining weight upon his rejection and has yet to lose the weight or the pain. Not only did I focus on her pain but also suggested to her that she use some of the techniques that we are learning in class to look inward and to love herself. She needs to see herself as the strong woman that everyone else sees and not the rejected lover. She is open to the idea which is a great step in the right direction. I wish you the best with your mother and commend you for staying strong and loving her even when it is hard to do.

  3. Your posts regarding your mothers are absolutely wonderful and inspiring. It is touching and encouraging to see you use your energies to benefit your mothers and yourselves.

    Thank you for sharing!

  4. Your strength in being able to stick with this meditation while using a situation that is very hard for you is admirable. Growing up with adversity can create a person who is socially and consciously ignorant, or it can create someone who has learned to be resilient. You sound like the resilient type.
