Monday, August 2, 2010

Unit 8 blog

I tried to pick just two exercises but I could not decide. All the exercises we learned in this course have a huge roll in helping us to reach full integral health. Loving kindness, visualization and meditation are among the top three in my opinion and they have been very beneficial in my day to day routine.
Mental fitness is just as important as physical fitness, so I take both very seriously. I work my body out everyday as I continue my journey of losing weight and I take mental fitness just as seriously. I wake up everyday and start out by taking the time to meditate and think good thoughts not just for myself but for other people as well. I practice visualization because it helps me stay focused on my goals. If I can picture myself 130lbs thinner, then it makes it easier to get through those insane 2 hour workouts. If I can picture myself getting straight A's then it makes it easier to hit the books for several hours a day. These are just a few of the things I visualize but I also believe in the power of attraction. The idea is that one can have anything they desire as long as they believe it and walk through life knowing that they deserve the best.


  1. I love this post. It seems that we all had a hard time narrowing down which exercises were the most beneficial for us. I love that you have mental goals pictured that help to justify all the hard work you have put in. I wish more people did the same. People should remind themselves regularly of the good things that they are working towards since the journey can most always be daunting.

  2. I echo everything that Jamie said. You are closer than an average person at achieving your goals because you see the end. I believe that God doesn't need our help with the details. We just need to have the faith to see and get what we need and desire. I also agree with your statement that achieving your goals is what makes all the hard work worth it. So true!

  3. Hello Keo,
    You are right it is hard to decide on which 2 to pick. The second one you mentioned, Visualization, has to be one of my favorites as well. Creating a holographic mind/body, as each aspect of my mind-body contains all the info that is contained in all the other parts. Shifting anger to loving-kindness is also shifting your pulse rate. Our minds are so strong and powerful we don't even realize it. Science studies are just putting a priority on this new psychonumerology field of study. I am anxiously waiting to see what else they will discover about the connection.

    An example of visualization I had today as I rode my bike on the trail I will share. I was visualizing trying to convince someone to start exercising as I did when I first started. I went back in my mind to that point.
    I said to the fictitious person in my mind, "if you can just visualize yourself saying when I first start riding or walking down the road, my chest will hurt, my abdomen will ache, but, if you can make it, take it and press on, you will soon see that you are now in a rhythm and are no longer in pain. You now enjoy the feeling of exercising, like a machine, never stopping, on and on and on you pedal, keeping the same rotation, and the pain is gone with the wind. You are happy, the wind and sun feel good and you are proud, proud you did not stop, because the pain did stop after a minute or two. You were successfully proving you could get past that mountain of pain, and are proud of yourself for it. You conquered it, it did not conquer you! Exercise is like that every time. You must be prepared to get past that point of pain. Gear your mind up. It will be hard for two minutes or so, till you get the hang and rhythm and then you are set for an hour or two (depends if you went to bed on time last night or not). Visualize being successful, and having a grand old time with your self! In this way, you can visualize your way to success.
